Is Having A Home Birth Right For Me?

Being a doula, I get this question a lot. Having a safe planned home birth is a completely understandable concern and most definitely should be explored. No matter where you plan to birth, feeling safe, being safe and feeling supported will have an extremely positive impact on your labour.

Wanting a planned home birth? ~ Let’s explore…

First off, are you a candidate for a planned home birth? Having a healthy, low-risk pregnancy and labour is required to be able to birth at home. Your midwife will be able to guide you through whether or not you you fit all the necessary criteria.

Second, what are your reasons for wanting a home birth? Really think about that. Is it because you are afraid of hospitals or because your best friend did and she told you how amazing it was. Or is it that you are confident in your ability to give birth and feel that a comfortable home environment is the most logical place for you to birth your baby. The latter is the most suitable reason, but for many not the only reason. Do your homework and take some time inward, so when you make that choice you feel solid in your decision.

Also, dig deep and ask yourself, “Will I truly feel safe at home birthing my baby? Am I ok with transferring to a hospital if needed? Do I trust my body to fully let go in a home environment? Is my home suitable for birthing in ease?” These are important questions to ponder so that you are comfortable and confident in your choice to birth at home.

My own experience with home birthing started with my daughter 18 years ago. In my town midwives did not have privileges at our hospital yet. I knew if I were to be transferred to the hospital I would be in the care of a doctor whom I had no prior relationship with. I ask myself now, why did I have a planned home birth? Partly that I suffered from a wee bit of white coat syndrome but also a deep knowing that my baby and I would be safest at home. I trusted my body and I trusted my midwife. At 24 years old, I really didn’t see it any other way. My second child was welcomed at home by the same midwife. That was where I birthed my babies…at home.

Fast forward 7 years and I was pregnant again. It was a rocky beginning to this pregnancy but into my 2nd trimester my obgyn said I was fine to be in the care of midwives. In my mind I was given the golden ticket to birth at home again but I really didn’t want it. I was shook from my experiences in this pregnancy and when I went inward I felt most comfortable to birth in the hospital. I had a very fast and straight forward labour and birth. A home birth would have been more than safe and would of saved me the longest 20 minutes of my life moving from my bed to the hospital but I chose this birth for my own reasons and I have no regrets.

I felt safe…

So this is what I mean when I say to dig deep. Yes, planned home birth is considered safe in low risk pregnancies but it also matters where  feel you safe.

If having a planned home birth is something you are considering, speak with your midwife, talk with your doula, chat with other home-birthers, look at studies and importantly, be comfortable in your choice.


Tanis Bonar ~ Island Moon Doula