What Does Self-Care Mean?

It’s going to mean something different to everyone. My self-care will look different from my best friend’s self-care and my husband’s self-care. The main thing, is to not implement it into your life only in times of depletion. Instead it’s something that becomes a part of you and your routine, nourishing you daily.

I think there is a misconception among women that it’s about making blocks of space in your day and filling it with self pampering. How wonderful if that works for you! This may not be everyone’s reality and is one reason why self-care gets put to the back burner as it’s simply not sustainable.

My self-care regime

I drink tea.

I have a small cup of coffee too, but between making breakfasts, lunches and feeding the animals I quickly do a mental scan of my body. I then throw on the kettle, open my tea cupboard and make a pot of tea to suit my daily needs. Nobody even knows I’m doing it so “they” magically don’t need me. I sip this all day whether it be from my favourite mug or to-go cup. On days where I need extra love, I add spoons of raw honey.

I gave up running, the gym and vigorous yoga

Yes, you read this right. You may be asking, but isn’t exercise important for stress reduction and by default, self-care? Absolutely! For most of my life this activity level served me well. I reached a point where my runs were winding me. I would also get dizzy lifting weights and often noticed I looked gaunt in my face even though my clothes all fit the same. Lastly, Ashtanga Yoga is something that I love. It challenges me mentally and physically and leaves me feeling strong, grounded and balanced. About 6 months before taking a break from it, I began not feeling wonderful leaving class. I felt sore, tired and noticed I started to dread going.

I make time for healthcare appointments

I now get routine blood work and will make time for my yearly check-ups and Naturopathic appointments. It took some monumental eye openers in my personal health for me to accept that my body was in no way happy. Blood work and tests confirmed that indeed it was time to make some changes.

I listen to my body…like really listen

Along with guidance from my healthcare professionals, I took 6 months off exercise to let my body replenish and find homeostasis. My new “exercise” consisted of light gardening, stretching and Restorative Yoga. I learned to listen to my intuition and to let go of the mental chatter telling me to keep moving. I’m now in month 7 and have slowly added in a gentle Vinyasa Yoga practice, walks and the odd run to my weeks …and it feels GOOD! I actually love my new regime and for now it works because now I listen.

I say no

I have more space in my day for my family and things that really matter to me when I don’t say yes to everything and everyone. My new mantra, I am one person, I am important and I am STILL loved.


This is a trail near my house that I love to walk with my dog. It’s peaceful and ever changing in it’s beauty. Before, I would of just ran through, missing all of it’s offerings.

During my last walk I realized that these trees hold my thoughts. Every branch like a page in a diary. Some thoughts held tight and others released with the wind or cleansed under the full moon. I think these walks are my favourite self-care of all.

My wish for this holiday season and beyond, is for you to find some peace in your days…whatever that may look like.

Island Moon Doula


For information on self-care in pregnancy and postpartum, please refer to my Services page.